Letter signed by 80 local elected officials urges state lawmakers to...

The following letter was submitted to the Senate Finance Committee as written testimony for its public hearing on the 2022-23 state budget on Tuesday,...

In letter to Senate Finance Committee, local leaders voice concerns about...

The following letter, signed by 15 mayors and school board chairs, was sent to the Senate Finance Committee this week, prior to its public...

Granite Staters make it clear: No school vouchers for NH

The public came out in force to speak out against Senate Bill (SB) 130, the statewide voucher bill, in back-to-back public hearings on the...

Virtual Town Hall: NH’s School Voucher Bill

VIRTUAL TOWN HALL: NH’S SCHOOL VOUCHER BILL  Tuesday, May 18 at 3 p.m. Event is free, but registration is required On Tuesday, May 18th, Reaching Higher New...

‘It probably can’t pass if it stands alone’: Public urges lawmakers...

Lawmakers, city officials, school board members, taxpayers, and others are urging the Senate to keep the school voucher bill out of the state’s budget...

Amendment would slow down college merger and ensure members had expertise...

Under a new amendment, the Higher Education Merger Assessment Commission (HEMAC) would have until January 2022 to form recommendations about if and how to...

Resources for Effective Investments in Recovery and Learning Acceleration Post-Pandemic

Reaching Higher New Hampshire (RHNH) offers this literature review to increase understanding of the research around academic impact loss of instructional time, as well...

Roundtable will offer rich discussion of key issues in higher education:...

The NH Alliance for College and Career Readiness will host a Higher Education Roundtable on Wednesday, May 19, at 1 p.m. to provide important...

WEBINAR: Higher Education Roundtable addresses key questions around workforce development, access,...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHsr69Il-2U On Wednesday, May 19, 2021, the New Hampshire Alliance for College and Career Readiness hosted a Higher Education Roundtable. The event provided valuable insights...

House Education Committee retains SB 135; bill would have addressed school...

The House Education Committee voted 11-9 along party lines on Thursday, May 20, to retain a bill designed to close gaps in state funding...