Franklin mayor will veto proposals to lift tax cap to make...

franklin mayor veto tax cap
Franklin mayor Tony Giunta told the City Council that he would veto any motion to override the tax cap. The city's schools are facing...

Learn Everywhere would outsource NH public school classes to private vendors

On June 13, the State Board of Education (SBOE) will decide on whether to move forward with “Learn Everywhere,” a proposal from Department of...

Manchester at high risk for losses of state funding & increased...

According to Manchester Ink Link, the Manchester School District could face substantial losses in state aid if SB 193, the bill that would create...

Manchester Proud proposing a “community-centric” school planning process

A coalition of individuals, local businesses, and education leaders are coming together to propose fully funding a "community-centric" strategic planning effort for Manchester schools. The...

Rep Francese: “Don’t be fooled. This is one of the most...

Representative Paula Francese (Exeter) submitted this letter to the editor of Seacoast Online:  "It is impossible for me to read Catie McLaughlin’s letter to the...

How the courts have shaped education funding, and what comes next

In the 1990’s, the Claremont School District challenged the way the state of New Hampshire pays for public school in what are known as...

Looming questions about voucher bill and its effects on students and...

On January 16, the House Finance Committee held a public hearing on SB 193, the bill that would create a statewide voucher program. After...

State should target funding to schools based on need, says state’s...

According to David Juvet of the Business and Industry Association of New Hampshire, the state's Chamber of Commerce, if the state doesn't allow better...

Rep. Heath: “As legislators, it is our job to protect and...

Representative Mary Heath (Manchester), who serves on the House Education Committee, wrote in Seacoast Online that the Legislature's job should be to strengthen the...

Working toward a vision for community schools that work for all...

What can we learn from a decade in the life of two high schools in the same Oakland, CA neighborhood? In one, educators, parents,...